Jimmy Quotes

We will remember him through his own words, words of others that translate so well and the memories and personality that will never leave our heads...

From the Lips of Jimmy Himself

When life gets you down, just think of Jimmy’s voice mail message: “You have called my phone...but I amn’t here....’amn’t’ isn’t really a word....but this isn’t really a song...” BEEP!
Submitted by Mollie

When asked if he was a vegetarian he answered (with a horrified look on his face): “No, vegetables are just about the only thing I don’t eat.”
Submitted by Milene

The way he started every story: “So this one, a buddy of mine...” when everyone really knew he was referring to himself.
Submitted by Ashley

“Cummon guys...!” with kind of a sigh of what are you doing? attached.
Submitted by Ellen

“I hate you guys!” – He always said that instead of saying “I love you guys”
Submitted by Erica

“I do what I want!” – with “want” pronounced more like “waunt”
Submitted by Angela

“So, it’s ridiculous the amount of money people spend on bottled water. I’m thinking that we should just take that money and put it towards cleaning up the water we already have for free!”

“Don’t worry! I got some pennies for the meter”
Submitted by Arky

“Klassy with a capital K”
Submitted by Erica and Danielle

Jimmy, Cubby, Carlos and Greg were sitting on Greg’s balcony in Austin-
Carlos: Hey, is that a Blazer of a Cherokee?
Jimmy: Actually Carlos, I think it’s a GMC Jimmy,
Carlos: Ahhhhhhh, Jimmy!
Submitted by Greg

“One day I was driving my Buick and see the flashing lights behind me...
The officer says in a stern tone: Son, do you have any idea how fast you were going?
And I was like: Well, Officer, I might have, but you see the needle here disappears after 85...
At this the officer paused, and then he began to laugh. He let me go with a warning.”
Only Jimmy could have pulled this off, and not because of the words he said, but the way he said them.
Story by Jimmy, Submitted by Tony

“I ain’t skurr-Red. I ain’t skuurrred of you.”

“Teee-na. You’re going to ruin my career.” (Started because of Tina’s filming of parties)

Greg: “Hey Jimmy, make me a Pink Lady”
Jimmy: “Poof! You’re a Pink Lady!”
(Regarding Greg’s ordering of sissy drinks when Jimmy bartended)

“Hey, knock knock.”

“What’s got two legs and bleeds? HALF A CAT!” (Worst joke ever. Ever.)
Previous collection of quotes Submitted by Tina

“I’m on a diet...A diet where I only eat meat....Yea...Meat.........oh and cake......Meat and cake....Yea, I’m on a meat and cake diet.”
Submitted by Angela

“Dig up, stupid, dig up!”
Submitted by Erica

“Here’s to friends who are like family, and vice versa"
A memorable toast from Jimmy (that he got from a Jack Daniels billboard)
Submitted by Rose

"Tra-la-la!! So the other day I was hanging out with my friend. Perhaps you've heard of him... MATT DILLION!!!"
Matt Hensarling, Calliope actor, Austin

“Hey, come check out my new flick!”
This is the first thing I remember from Jimmy’s demo reel, and it fits him so well. :) I bet we all would have heard that from him again and again.
Submitted by John Montoya, Calliope actor and former staffer, San Antonio/Los Angeles

"Every day we're playing roles and wearing different masks. It's just life."
Submitted by Stephanie King, quoting Jimmy Z from LA101 2005; Calliope actor, San Antonio

Words from Others that Remind Us of Jimmy

"I raise my hands, bow my head, I'm finding more and more truth in the words written in red. They tell me that there's more to life than just what I can see, I believe. I can't quote the book, the chapter or the verse, but you can't tell me it all ends in a slow ride in a hearse. You know, I'm more and more convinced the longer that I live, this can't be all there is."
Submitted by Scarlett Flinn, quoting Brooks and Dunn

“I know that life won’t break me. When I come to call, he won’t forsake me. I’m loving angels instead"
Submitted by Michael Druck, Calliope agent and actor, San Antonio

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
Who has left the world better than he found it, whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul;
Who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.
Submitted by the Matthews, words of Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Act well your part, for therein lies your honor"
Words said by cast before every high school play at Strake Jesuit, Submitted by Tina

"When I get where I'm going, there'll be only happy tears. I will shed the sins and struggles I have carried all these years. I'll leave my heart wide open, I will love and have no fear. When I get where I'm going, don't cry for me down here."
Submitted by Scarlett Flinn, quoting Brad Paisley

There are places I remember
all my life, though some have changed.
Some forever, not for better.
And some have gone, and some remain.
All these places have their moments
with lovers and friends I still can't recall.
Some are dead and some are living.
In my life I love them all.
But of all these friends and lovers,
there is no one compares with you.
And these memories lose their meaning
when I think of love as something new.
Though I know I'll never ever lose affection
for people and things that went before,
I know I'll often stop and think about them.
In my life I love you more.
Words from a Strake Jesuit High School t-shirt, Submitted by Tina

More Thoughts about Jimmy

My first memory of Jimmy was when he was fourteen. I was teaching drama at Jesuit, sitting in the audience waiting to start rehearsal, when I noticed on stage a smallish boy with wide innocent eyes, oblivious to being watched, telling an even smaller girl important information he had figured out. “All you have to do,” he said, “is show up every day to practice and your part will get bigger. I only got two lines a few weeks ago, but now I have two whole pages!” He was sharing his wisdom with her, wanting her to experience the success he was having. I never forgot that moment – the warmth, the naiveté, the joy. It reminded me of a Norman Rockwell painting.
When he showed up at my door in Hollywood years later and was six-three, I was shocked for a moment. How could this large man be the same boy I remembered? But he was. It only took a few minutes of talking with him to see that same innocence and generosity of spirit. I wish that were enough to get through life. I wish I had helped him see that it isn’t and taught him what is. I wish a lot of things that can’t or didn’t happen at this point. But I keep his memory inside me - that warmth, that spirit, that moment when he was a boy that captured him perfectly and made him immortal for me.
Submitted by Blake

Jimmy is the reason most of us do this crazy business called show. He will be sorely missed. Jimmy Z was one of a kind. RIP, Jimmy Z!
Submitted by Doug Murphy, BBA (Jimmy’s Los Angeles agent)

I remember Jimmy as the type of client who never slacked when it came to providing me with the right tools to get him out there (for castings). He always projected a positive and happy essence about himself. I also remember how he helped and encouraged other “newbies” upon arriving in Los Angeles to pursue their acting careers. I really respected his generosity and willingness to help Kristy during LA101. It felt really great to see one actor helping another… how rare is that? What an angel.
Submitted Nicole Connor, MSA (Jimmy’s first Los Angeles agent)

Jimmy was a character. I met him during LA101. When he walked into the room, he owned it. I have picture of me posing with him. I knew him briefly and he left an imprint on my heart.
Submitted by Mary Mallet, Calliope actor, Austin

Jimmy had the greatest spirit. He was the kind of person you measured others against, especially in the entertainment industry. He was the epitome of a great actor and someone you didn't mind working hard for, because you knew the return would be great. I will never forget the fun times with Jimmy. Most memorable for me was eating sushi, and a night at Hard Rock where he did his version of Bohemian Rhapsody. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. That was Jimmy, though. Over the four years I knew Jimmy, he was so thankful, so appreciative of everything that was happening in his life. Each time he was placed on avail, I wanted him to book the role because I knew he wanted it so bad. I wanted it for him. He deserved it. When Jimmy left us, the world lost a great man, a great actor, and a great friend. I find comfort in knowing we will see him again some day. God Bless You, Jimmy Z. You will always be in my heart!
Submitted by Scarlett Flinn, former Calliope agent, Houston

There was so much positive energy about Jimmy. Being friends with Jimmy Z was a true blessing. It was impossible to get mad at him. If one did not get along with him, something was wrong with that person.
Submitted by Marcel Hertel, Calliope actor, Los Angeles

My fondest memory of Jimmy was the time we went out to California and got to hang out with him. When we got to his apartment he took about 10 minutes giving us a tour of the place. With great flourish and detail he showed us the kitchen, the study, the living area, the dining room… all leading up to the bedroom… it wasn’t until after he opened the door to the bedroom, and a bed fell out onto the floor of the living room that I realized that this apartment only had one room. But Jimmy was like that; his entire life was a comedic act, and one that I am honored to have been a part of. I’ll always be thankful for the time I got to share with Jimmy, and I’ll never be able to forget the laughter and joy that followed him wherever he went. The memory of his jokes will keep me grinning… until that day we meet again…
Submitted by Brad

“Jimmy, my tire needs changing!" [This goes with the pic of him as a mechanic by the car. He autographed it for me with a note to call him if I ever needed a tire changed.] Jimmy is definitely the cutest mechanic I have ever seen ;o) I miss you lots, and have always admired you!!
Submitted by Nikki Young, Calliope actor/producer, San Antonio

I had such a gift given to me from Jimmy, just a few months back. He was part of a gathering for a TV show that I have been in for the past 2½ years. Afterwards, we had a chance to discuss my character in depth. He just had an amazing insight for me, and it had a real impact. I realized at the time how significant it was. The show is something really important to me, and I know that we are given exactly the gifts that we need at exactly the right time. Jimmy ended up being a part of a very special moment in that way. Submitted by Catherine Crowley, Calliope actor, San Antonio

Mere words cannot explain nor describe Saint Jimmy Z. He remains a powerful force beyond what any of us could ever fathom. Since his passing, he has moved through Calliope and myself in profoundly spiritual, divine, Godly, and metaphysical ways. Jimmy is not just in Heaven; he is sitting at the foot of God’s throne, talking into His ear, collaborating, and working miracles. Jimmy is truly a seraphim and a saint. He is still very much alive. Every time I look at one of Jimmy’s pictures, there is movement. He is breathing… communicating… reaching out. I can’t wait to witness future holy coincidences. JZ’s just getting started! Jimmy the Saint is standing beside all of us, and his presence is more palpable than ever. We just can’t see him, that’s all.
Submitted by Kristy Martin, Calliope CEO/Manager